Whats Next
STEP 1: Explore our website particularly Additional Information. or call us on 01704 550207 to request an information pack - it will help you make the most of your appointment with our consultant.
STEP 2: When you are ready, call 01704 550207 or contact us to arrange a visit at a convenient time and place to suit you. Appointments last between 1-11/2 hrs per appointment (Appointment Times: 10.30am - 8pm Mon-Fri and 10.30am-12noon Sat). We would be happy to discuss appointments outside these hours. Preparing for your Appointment
STEP 3: At the appointment the consultant will advise you and take your instructions necessary to prepare your will or other legal documents that you may have requested;
STEP 4: At a second appointment (optional) the consultant will go through the document(s) that he has prepared for you and guide you through the signing and witnessing process AT NO EXTRA COST;
It couldn't be simpler! Contact Us TODAY to arrange a HOME VISIT (Daytime or Evening)!