Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney & Estate Planning
If you've ever had a will or other legal document prepared, you'll realise how daunting it can be sitting in the solicitor's oak panelled office giving your instructions whilst at the same time knowing you only have a half hour appointment in which to do it all.
Very often the solicitor will deal exclusively with the matter at hand – your Will, and not take the time to discuss other related estate planning issues with you.
Realising this dilemma The Right Will Company offers a complete will writing service in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Our fully trained consultant will take time to discuss a wide range of issues associated with estate planning (such as trusts) in order to help you, our clients, secure a tailor made package to suit your needs both today and for the rest of your life.
The Right Will Company is a local company based in Southport and covers all parts of the North West.
The company is a Member of the Society of Will Writers which is non-profit making regulatory body, that ensures all members are properly trained, experienced and indemnified, as your assurance of competence and professionalism to prepare and write your Will.
We are pleased to be members of The Society of Will Writers & Estate Planning Practitioners.
We are also registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. This means that we are required to safeguard your personal details and not release them to other organisations without your prior consent.
Find out more about how simple & easy it is to ensure your wishes are reflected in your will with one of Southport & Merseyside's most established Will Writers.